bodyways דרך גוף

The earth is much bigger than you are so you'd better learn to co-ordinate with it
Nancy Stark Smith in "Fall After Newton" video
David Zambrano demonstarting how to transition to the floor in his Low Flying class
You can't do what you want until you know what you are doing
My version of a quote from Moshe Feldenkrais

If you're dancing physics, you're dancing contact...
if you're dancing chemistry, you're doing something else...

Steve Paxton
Use you mind as a lens to focus on the body
Nancy Stark Smith quoting Steve Paxton
We're all alone in this together
Steve Paxton on the situation in Contact Improvisation... and life
A step is a small dance – life is a big dance
Julyen Hamilton, in the middle of explaining an exercise, after being asked what a small dance is

Tension masks sensation
Nancy Stark Smith
Contact Improvisation is a state of mind
Nancy Stark Smith
Better to get it wrong right than get it right wrong
Julyen Hamiton